The Empordanet goes far beyond its landscape, its charming medieval villages, and a rich cultural heritage. The people of the Empordanet work to bring unique and delicious products to your table. Women and men dedicated to farming, livestock, and crafts offer you food and beverages with a unique, special, local quality that will allow you to savor every last bit.
We've done a guide that aims to showcase the passionate people who work to turn exceptional ingredients into authentic culinary gems. We welcome you to taste and savor the essence of the Empordà through cheese, recuit, fruits, vegetables, honey, oil, eggs, milk, aromatic herbs, desserts, wine, gin, and more. With every mouthful and every sip, you will taste the dedication, passion, effort, and love for this land above all.
In the guide you’ll also find the producers who welcome visitors to their fields, farms, and workshops so that you can learn about their projects through visits or workshops. There’s no one better to tell the history of the places, traditions, and cuisine than the people who work there. Get ready to discover, taste, and buy local products.
Shall we begin? Let’s enjoy!
Cheese and dairy products

GRANJA MAS CASAS CRUÏLLES - Sheep dairy (milk, yogurt, recuit, cheese), lamb, and other products
La Granja Mas Casas de Cruïlles is a family-run livestock company, committed to the landscape of the Empordà and healthy eating. The company is dedicated to caring for a flock of sheep by applying the principles of regenerative agriculture and holistic management to offer the direct sale of products and services related to sheep. The company sells dairy products (milk, yogurt, recuit, cheese), lamb meat, wool, and natural cosmetics based on sheep milk. In addition, the company offers farm tours and farmer experiences year-round!
Mas Casas Cruïlles
Veïnat les Terreres, 12 17116 Cruïlles

MAS EUSEBI - Cow milk
We are the third generation of the Mas Eusebi dairy cow farm.
A mere 24 hours go by during the milking, pasteurization, and bottling process within the same farm. Our cows make A2A2 milk, which is easier to digest than your everyday milk at the supermarket! We distribute the milk every day at several establishments where they use the milk to make products and some places also feature it for sale.
We offer the milk in four formats so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.
The cows at Mas Eusebi live healthy lives as they have a free grazing area available where they can go whenever they want.
We also offer guided tours
Mas Eusebi
Camí de la Fonteta a Fitor, s/n 17110 Fonteta
lletfrescamaseusebi at gmail dot com

RECUITS NURI- Cheese, recuit, recuit de drap, yogurt
Our family began its business in 1972 by making recuit de drap: we were pioneers in creating the star product of the Empordà!
In our workshop in Ullastret we produce handcrafted products such as cheese, recuit, recuit de drap, flan, xuixo de recuit de drap, and more. We work only with goat milk from local herds
Recuits Nuri
C. Valls, 2 17114 Ullastret

LÀCTICS PAUET - Recuit, formatge, mató, carn de xai d'ovella Ripollesa...
Làctics Pauet som una empresa familiar amb en Pau al capdavant. Som productors de Recuit, formatges i làctics; treballem amb la llet del nostre pròpi ramat, una llet que directament i sense intermediàris va del ramat a la formatgería, per transformar-la amb làctics de màxima qüalitat.
Els nostres productes són de temporada, és a dir, els obtenim mantenint i respectant el procés i cicle vital dels animals, per això pot haver-hi moments determinats de l'any que no podem oferir tots els productes o grans quantitats disponibles.
Làctics Pauet
Mas Masaller. Barrri de Rabioses, s/n 17116 Cruïlles

RECUITS DE FONTETA - Recuit, recuit de drap, recuit ice cream
RECUITS DE FONTETA is a company dedicated to producing artisanal dairy products. Our most noteworthy products are Goat and Cow Recuits de Drap and various types of Artisanal Cheese.
Recuits de Fonteta
C/ Fitor, 2 17110 Fonteta

Beverages: wine, gin, others

Viticultors Muixach is a family-run project created by Eduard and Adrià. We share our way of understanding the vineyard and making wine based on regenerative agriculture.
Viticultors Muixach is a winemaking project that consists of six hectares of vineyards divided into five unique vineyards, each with unique soil, environment, and microclimate characteristics that make it possible to bottle a part of the terroir in every bottle of wine we make.
Viticultors Muixach is committed to quality, regenerative wine products in an environment that promotes the regenerative economy.
We know that wine is made in the vineyard, which is why we are so focused on cultivating the vineyard with the utmost respect for the plants and the products.
Viticultors Muixach
C/ Sant Feliu de Boada, 2 17113 Peratallada

Our company was founded in November 2022 by the three young entrepreneurs Arnau, Ferran, and David (all between 21 and 23 years old). The three of us currently manage the company’s day-to-day affairs with the aim of growing and introducing people to our handmade gin made in Forallac. It all started with an experience in hospitality and a high school research project at the La Bisbal secondary school. Fascinated by the product, the people around us encouraged us and we decided to move forward with the project and launch it on the market.
Sa Tuna Gin
C/ dels Oms, 10 - Nau 22 17111 Vulpellac

GIN NUT - Gin and rhum
NUT makes gin and ages top quality Empordà rum in casks, making the distillery a great visitor experience and tasting area
Gin Nut
C/ Brucs, 8 17111 Vulpellac

Gazé is a healthy energy drink based on an innovative formula with a stable coffee base and its complete recipe.GAZÉ has been created with RESPECT FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT, with natural ingredients and an aluminum can packaging that can be recycled an infinite number of times without losing quality.RESPECT FOR COFFEE,one of the symbols of universal culinary culture, creating a different architecture and a new look.AND RESPECT FOR CONSUMERS,introducing a new experience with an old friend. An open experience for me. For you. For everyone.
Gazé Natural Energy
C/ dels Valls d'En Colomer, 1 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà

Vegetables, fruit, nuts

HORTA DE LA MERCÈ- Seasonal vegetables
Small family-owned business dedicated to the organic production of seasonal vegetables grown outdoors. In addition to producing vegetables, we also hold environmental education workshops.
Horta de la Mercè
C/Sta. Basilisa, 42 bis 17111 Vulpellac
hortadelamerce at gmail dot com

The company was founded as a result of four individuals who aren't far from being considered non-active and non-productive people who can contribute little by society... people who believe that getting older means continuing to work on projects to improve the world even when they’re no longer around.
In 2020, the founders launched this project-based company. Its mission was, and continues to be, to relaunch the farming activity, abandoned a few years ago, to establish an almond farm. We produce three different varieties of organic almonds.
To meet this goal, we have taken technical, economic, environmental, and medium- and long-term sustainability criteria into account.
Les Rabioses
Paratge Disseminat de Rabioses, s/n 17116 Cruïlles
rabioses at rabioses dot com

Poultry and eggs

We are a small farm located in Casavells. We're home to hens and we sell their eggs at our self-service stand in the village.
Gallines Felices Can Jesús
C/ Sant Isidre, 11 17121 Casavells
roseralsinamadrenas at gmail dot com

Avícola Mas Roure is a privileged estate due to its location in the middle of the Gavarres in the heart of the Empordà. We are 100% organically certified egg producers, and our hens are fed with natural products boasting organic certification. The hens are free to peck and graze on the ground in their free-range coop. All this is reflected in the quality of our products: 100% organic, fresh, and local eggs
Avícola Mas Roure
Afores, s/n Mas Roure 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà
avicolamasroure at gmail dot com

Herbs, tea, coffee

TE GUST- Infusions and tea
At Tegust we produce organically certified infusions and teas. Our aromatic herbs come from locally grown plants.
We support a sustainable model and take care of the environment and the land.
Our R&D department is passionate about creating special formulas that surprise the palate.
C/ de les Remeieres, 22 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà

EMPORAROM - Infusions and condiments
EMPORAROM arose through the joint efforts of several producers of aromatic and medicinal plants in the Empordà who aimed to recover the knowledge of the local plants that have traditionally been used for healing, culinary, or aromatic purposes, while developing products that are appealing in today's society. The company also seeks to share the world of aromatic and medicinal plants through the Camp de las Aromas outdoors experience.
Mas Ganigué 17118 Sant Sadurní de l'Heura. Compres i visites a l'Escala (Camp de les Aromes)

SOC NATURAL - Tea, infusions and herbal products
We are an herbalist shop dedicated mainly to tea, infusions, herbal remedies, spices, oils, ointments, and any products made with herbs.
Soc Natural
Pl. Jacint Verdaguer, 2 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà

Honey, preserves and sauces

MAS ENTRESERRA- Honey and other honey based products
Our company was founded in the heart of the village of Casavells in the Baix Empordà.
We are a small family-run business that produces honey, pollen, and other bee by-products with great care and dedication.
The honey we produce is primarily from the area between the Montgrí mountain and the Gavarres peaks, an area with a rich variety of vegetation including rosemary, heather, oak, holm oak, and more. However, in times when flowering is scarce here, we also take our hives to the province of Tarragona, where the slightly warmer climate is more favorable for the flowering process.
Mas Entresserra
Mas Entresserra 17121 Casavells

Slow cooking since 1997. The ancestral basis of local cuisine. 100% natural. Produced for individuals and restaurants.
Sofregit Quim Matas
C/ Jaume II, 24 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà


MAS FUERTES- Olive-oil, wine, honey
A hobby that grew to become an incredible farm for top-quality organic products.
In 2005, a Dutch family started looking for an idyllic place for a holiday home and fell in love with the charming Empordà region. At the top of a mountain, with breathtaking views of the sea and surrounded by lush nature, they found the perfect piece of paradise for their dream property.
What began as a modest project to produce wine for their own use quickly grew into a full-blown business. Today, Mas Fuertes offers a wide range of red and white wines, 100% Argudell olive oil, first cold pressed with the best Italian machines, and a delicious organic honey with no added sugar produced by our impressive population of three million bees.
Despite the impressive growth that the estate has experienced, Mas Fuertes retains its undeniable charm. We still carry out many of our processes by hand, such as carefully harvesting and selecting grapes and olives, as well as how we obtain our prized honey.
Mas Fuertes
C/ del Rissec, 4 17121 Corçà

Bread, pastries, desserts

PASTISSERIA SANS - Patries and desserts with Bisbalenc speciality
Artisanal pastry chefs since 1927
BISBALENC® Specialty
Tradition, Quality, and Craftsmanship
Pastisseria Sans
Av. les Voltes, 4 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà

PASTISSERIA FONT - Cakes with Mil.leni and Càntir specialty
The Pastisseria Font opened in 1921. It is currently in the 4th generation of the family leading the bakery and it has also become a cafeteria space where you can taste and buy our products. Our specialties are the mil·leni and the càntir, desserts created in close relationship with the ceramics industry in La Bisbal, made with sponge cake and almond bread. With the celebration of the millennium, we later created a crunchy cake with the same name (mil·leni) made with an almond paste, raspberry jam, and praline.
Pastisseria Font
Pl. de la Llibertat, 5 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà

PASTISSERIA MASSOT - Cakes and pastries with El Rus specialty
Pastry shop, featuring the "El Rus" specialty.
Pastisseria Massot
Plaça Major, 11 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà

CAN RODÀ - Bread, cakes, muffins, pastries
Company dedicated to artisanal baking that sells bread and bakery products, charcuterie, and cheese
Can Rodà
C/ Pell i Forgàs, 1 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà
forncanroda at outlook dot es

FLECA CAN TORRENT - Bread and cakes
An artisanal bakery where we make all kinds of bread, croissants, sponge cake, and baker's biscuits all baked in a wood burning oven.
Fleca Can Torrent
Plaça Francesc Macià, 6 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà
cantorrent2013 at gmail dot com

GALETES GRAUPERA - Cookies and desserts
The beginnings of Galetes Graupera date back to 1879 when a bread oven was opened on Carrer del Call 2-4 in La Bisbal d'Empordà, which ended up becoming an oven perfect for making cakes and desserts. In the mid-twentieth century the Casademont family took over the operations, who kept its name and made its artisanal products known worldwide.
Galetes Graupera
Avda. de les Voltes, 5 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà

SOFIA DESSERTS- Pastries with specialty in coulants and cheesecakes
We are a family-owned business with more than 40 years of experience specializing in the preparation of frozen desserts and pastries for distributors and individuals, offering the same quality and treats as we do for professionals.
Made with natural ingredients and no preservatives or artificial aromas, our products boast a long shelf life thanks to the freezing process. We stand out for our artisanal coulants with 15 types of flavors, such as raspberry, green tea, almond nougat, and white chocolate, as well as our ten varieties of cheesecake, including chocolate and three cheeses.
The founders poured all of their passion, emotion, and love into creating Sofia Desserts, with a firm commitment to quality and innovation.
Sofia Desserts
C/ dels Roures, 19- nau 5. Pol. Industrial V-2 17111 Vulpellac

BONÍSSIM - Chocolate and fig bread
We make natural chocolate from Africa with an intense taste that is gentle on the palate at the same time. Another specialty that we make in our workshop is an entirely raw date and fig bread with nuts and no flour.
C/ Ramon de Cabrera, 52 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà
bonissim at yahoo dot es

LAMAREVILLA - Bread and other gluten-free and lactose-free products
Workshop producing gluten-free and dairy-free products.
La Marevilla
Av. Josep Irla, 22 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà

TORRONERIA MIRA I FILLS - Nougats and desserts
We are the Mira-Garrigós family, originally from Xixona (Alicante). We have been manufacturing and selling nougats since 1992 in La Bisbal d'Empordà (Girona).Fernando Mira has been making nougats and desserts for 25 years and improving the quality of the traditional formulas from his hometown of Xixona.
Fernando is joined in this work by his wife Marta Garrigós Miquel, who was raised in a nougat producing family from Xixona. Her great-grandfather Josep Plà made nougats and desserts years ago, and she continues as the fifth generation to do so. Since she was a child, she has been able to learn how to make Xixona desserts in a handmade way, such as polvorons or donut figurines, something she continues to do with great love.
Torroneria Mira i Fills
C/ Sant Jaume, 4 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà


Llet Nostra was founded in 2003 when cattle ranchers from Catalonia decided to sell their milk directly to consumers. Since then, our milk has been produced by livestock families from small- and medium-sized farms that form part of cooperatives across Catalonia. Some of our farms are located in the Baix Empordà, one of which can be visited through the #Aprop Experience.
Cooperativa de Ramaders del Baix Empordà - Llet Nostra
C/ Garbí, 5 17100 La Bisbal d'Empordà